8:56 AM - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Poetry. "Henry Howard carries on the vision of Jose Marti, with this
song of resistance in a time of sociopathic governance. He becomes
incarnate with the person crying in the wilderness of oppression. His
song is one of communion and the splendor of truth. Henry also writes
with the legacy of Eduardo Galeano, telling the story simply and leaving
the oppressors self condemned. His call to, 'join us' recalls the
urgency of Otto Rene Castillo. While living in Guatemala on March 19,
1967, I was told of his death. He was burned at the stake following four
days of torture and mutilation by the Guatemalan Army. His poetry, like
that of Henry Howard's calls for a world to win through unifying
poetry, love and action...resistance...So thanks very much Henry for
using your great gifts once again. We hear your call to sing. May we all
be part of the lyrics!"—Blase Bonpane